Leadership Author & Speaker

Leading Teams And Organisations: How To Develop A Positive Team Culture

In order for a team to be successful, it is important that the leader establishes and maintains a positive team culture.

This post discusses some of the ways in which a leader can create and maintain a positive team culture. Neil Jurd OBE, author of The Leadership Book and founder of LeaderConnect, offers his insights on the matter. According to Jurd, one of the most important things a leader can do is give their team clarity and reassurance.

Jurd also believes that leaders should provide their team with information and inspiration to create a sense of safety for them. Leaders often feel like they need to put up a facade in order to seem powerful or in control.

However, being open and honest with your team is the key to forming connections and getting the best out of them. Teams thrive when there is human connection and communication. Neil Jurd shares ways on how leaders can connect with their teams and create an effective working environment.

By following these tips, leaders can help their teams reach their full potential.

To read the full article, click here.
